However, one of my colleague James was different. He was always tastefully dressed, his clothes predating the next fashion trend. Almost every time I asked him where he got his clothes he told me he bought them at a thrift store. There was something else about James's style that no one else had - serenity, mean he had ZERO DEBT. He was in full control of his spending and it was palpable.

James clearly had his own sense of style. With a little creativity and a small investment of time, he was able to act on it. I'm not quote you have to forego shopping at your most approved stores to be able to afford a big item like car or house. What I am proverb is - instead of desperately searching for the exact jean tom Cruise wore to his latest movie premier and paying bank for it off the rack - be a little daring and create your own style based on what you may afford.
Defining your own style takes instant and it evolves. Read fashion magazines, watch movies and see what you like. But instead of mimicking what you see, adapt it. Learn to trust your instinct. Learn what looks grand on your body structure (very important). Every time you see a young gentleman wearing fashion jeans that obviously shouldn't be, take it as a reminder that not every fashion trend is for everyone.
Fashion isn't about conforming - its about creating.
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