My favorite wear is this cargo pants
On the other hand, I do put up designer dress suit, shirt and fashion dress shoes
The bottom line is I wear clothes I feel comfortable in. For me that's what dressing and fashion is all about. But for most ladies that isn't the case. I am sure you have heard that this question, "Is that what you're going to wear?" countless times. And for all you women out there, unless you're going to physically undress us and then redress us to your specifications, the answer is, "Yes, this is precisely what I'm wearing."
Not because we're (or just myself?) stubborn or provocative but because we either don't know bother or we just feel comfortable with.
End of the day, my fashion philosophy is about comfort and be my own style, as well as fit into the surrounding rather to impress. So how about you? Do share your view here.... :)
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